Story and Art by De’Shaun Ruiz


After the events of 'Cooler's Wrath,' Vegeta and Gohan lead a daring rescue mission to save Goku, only to uncover a long-buried piece of Saiyan history. They find themselves face-to-face with Turles, a powerful and ruthless Saiyan who has been living in the shadows, and learn of his dark past that threatens the future of their race. As they uncover truths about their heritage and Turles’s rise to power, the team must confront an ancient and powerful force that could change the fate of the Saiyan people forever.




This story is a work of fan fiction and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Toei Animation, Shueisha, or Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball and all related characters, settings, and concepts are the property of their respective owners.

Please support the official release by watching the anime, reading the manga, and supporting the incredible creators at Toei Animation, Shonen Jump, and Shueisha who bring the world of Dragon Ball to life. This project was created out of love for the series and to share a new story with fans like myself.

Click the left arrow to continue reading the next chapter—like reading manga, right to left!

Part 1: Resurgence Bijou-Bot Entertainment Part 1: Resurgence Bijou-Bot Entertainment


It all begins with an idea.

On Beerus's planet, Goku and Vegeta continue to train, their focus on mastering their Ultra forms. Whis observes silently, his staff floating beside him, occasionally giving small corrections. Meanwhile, Beerus snores in a hammock nearby, completely oblivious to their efforts.

Goku stands still, his eyes closed, as Whis's staff moves in front of him. It weaves and swipes in unpredictable patterns, testing his ability to remain calm and controlled. Goku dodges each strike with grace at first, his movements fluid and confident. But as the staff speeds up, his focus wavers.


The staff connects with his head, sending him stumbling.

"Close," Whis comments, his tone light but ever critical.

Vegeta, meanwhile, faces a massive boulder, his hand extended toward it. His mind flashes to Beerus’s words about letting go and embracing destruction. He focuses on that moment when he first tapped into destruction energy—the raw, overwhelming power of it.

A faint purple aura surrounds his hand, flickering and unstable.


Vegeta unleashes a burst of energy, and half the boulder disintegrates into dust. He drops to one knee, breathing heavily, his body strained from the effort. Though progress is slow, the resolve in his eyes is unshakable. He glances over to see Goku getting smacked by the staff again.

"Again," Whis says with a faint smile.

Suddenly, a voice echoes through the air.


The unexpected cry startles the trio. Even Beerus stirs slightly in his sleep.


"King Kai, is that you?" Goku asks, squinting into the sky.

"I’ve been searching for you and Vegeta everywhere!" King Kai exclaims, his voice panicked and strained.

"What’s going on?" Goku asks, startled.

"There’s no time to explain everything! Something terrible is happening across the universe—planets are being destroyed one after another!"

"Destroyed?!" Goku’s tone shifts to serious.

"Yes, completely devoid of life, left uninhabitable! And it’s spreading faster than I’ve ever seen before! You have to act now before it’s too late!"

Whis, still calm, glances at Beerus snoring in his hammock. "Well, it’s certainly not Lord Beerus."

"And we haven’t heard from Frieza since the truce," Vegeta states, frowning.

"It doesn’t matter who’s behind it!" King Kai interjects. "You two are the only ones I can count on to figure this out! If you don’t stop it soon, the entire universe could be at risk!"

"Alright," Vegeta says, his expression hardening. "We’ll look into it before it reaches Earth—or worse."

"But where do we even start?" Goku asks, his brow furrowed.

Suddenly, both Saiyans tense, their eyes narrowing. A sharp, overwhelming surge of energy ripples through the atmosphere, distant yet undeniable. The air feels heavy, and even Whis's usual smile fades slightly as he takes notice.

"You felt that?" Whis asks, his tone uncharacteristically serious.

"Yeah," Goku replies, his eyes narrowing. "It’s strong. Too strong to ignore."

Goku places two fingers on his forehead, concentrating. "Ugh, it’s too far for me to lock onto an exact location."

Whis steps forward, his staff glowing faintly as he waves it through the air. "No need to strain yourself, Goku—I’ve already pinpointed the source. Shall we take an express ride?" he adds, his usual cheer returning.

"That’d help," Goku says before glancing over at Beerus. "What about Lord Beerus?"

The trio glances at the still-snoring God of Destruction.

"He’ll be fine," Whis says lightly.

"Alright, King Kai," Goku says, "We’ll look into it and figure out what’s going on."

"Good luck," King Kai replies, his voice fading.

Whis raises his staff, gesturing for the two Saiyans to join him. Vegeta places a hand on his shoulder, and Goku eagerly grabs the other.

"I wonder who gave off that energy," Goku says, his excitement building. "They’ve got to be strong."

"After all this training, we’ll see who’s stronger," Vegeta says, his eyes sharp. "Just don’t embarrass yourself, Kakarot."

"Big talk," Goku grins. "Let’s see if you can back it up!"

Whis interrupts their banter. "Shall we? Whoever gave off that energy… it’s divine. They’re not ordinary."

The two Saiyans exchange a determined look, their competitive spirit reignited.

"Let’s go," they say in unison.

With a flash of Whis’s staff, the trio vanishes into the stars, leaving Beerus behind to snore peacefully in his hammock.


Writer's Note:

And so the journey begins. I was wondering how to bring the two heroes into the fold of this unfolding conflict and why not use the same person I did for Cooler's Wrath and who warned Goku of what was happening in the original Turles movie. The two are on different paths honing their skills, but it'll be a journey of understanding too. The chapter is short, but it's only begun. Stay Tuned next time on Dragonball Super: The Might of King Turles.

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Part 1: Resurgence Bijou-Bot Entertainment Part 1: Resurgence Bijou-Bot Entertainment


It all begins with an idea.

Planet Bourbon, a rugged world of iron hills and jagged, towering mountains, stretched beneath a hazy, rust-colored sky. A ship roared across the rocky terrain, descending near the outskirts of a bustling town. Its engines hissed as it landed, kicking up a cloud of red dust that mingled with the dry air.

The Explorer stepped out of the ship, their boots crunching against the rocky ground. Meelo followed close behind, a constant whir of servos and chirps emanating from its compact frame. The droid’s blinking lights and shifting panels seemed to convey a question.

The Explorer glanced back briefly. "No, I don't," they answered flatly. "But they're the only reliable source I know for finding out what's going on."

Together, they made their way toward the town. It was alive with activity: townspeople haggled loudly over goods, shopkeepers shouted promises of "exotic meats" and "the planet's finest treasures," and the air carried a mix of spices, sweat, and the acrid tang of fuel. The Explorer ignored the commotion, their focus unyielding.

They turned into a narrow alley, where shadows cloaked a weathered side door guarded by a hulking security droid. Its metal plating was scuffed and rusted, and its glowing red eye flickered faintly as it scanned them.

The droid emitted a series of mechanical growls and clicks, its voice crackling like old static.

"I'm here to see Bracada," the Explorer said without hesitation.

The droid tilted its head, emitting a low, grating sound that suggested refusal. Its bulk shifted slightly, blocking the door.

"Then make him available," the Explorer said firmly, their voice edged with impatience. "It's important, and I don't have time to waste."

For a moment, the droid didn’t move, its flickering eye locked on the Explorer. Then, with a sudden hiss and a groan of gears, the door creaked open, and the droid stepped aside.

The Explorer and Meelo exchanged a brief glance before stepping through the threshold, their senses immediately assaulted by the cacophony of an underground bazaar.

The space was cavernous, sprawling across three floors filled with the universe's most illicit contraband. Traders and criminals from all corners of the galaxy bartered and whispered, their stalls overflowing with stolen artifacts, black-market tech, and strange substances glowing ominously in sealed containers.

The Explorer strode purposefully through the chaotic crowd, brushing past a seller hawking counterfeit relics. Their eyes scanned the room, their mission clear and unwavering.

"Armor stolen from the Frieza army! Best quality—so tough, not even Frieza himself could scratch it!" a vendor shouts, waving a battered chest plate as the Explorer passes.

The Explorer pays no mind, their focus unwavering as they push through the bustling bazaar.

"Hey!" a voice calls out. A scruffy passerby steps in front of them, eyeing Meelo with an unsettling grin. "What’ll it take to hand over that robot of yours?"

The Explorer doesn’t break stride. "He's not for sale."

"I wasn’t asking for a price." The passerby pulls a compact blaster from their jacket, aiming it directly at the Explorer. "How much pain will it take to make you give him up?"

Meelo hovers forward, his frame vibrating with a low hum of warning. Before the situation can escalate, the Explorer raises a hand, signaling Meelo to stand down.

Before anyone can act, two hulking security droids emerge from the crowd, their glowing red eyes locking onto the armed passerby. The droids take position behind the Explorer, their imposing presence enough to make the would-be thief think twice. The weapon lowers, and with a muttered curse, the passerby slinks away into the crowd.

One of the security droids emits a garbled mechanical tone, its voice a jumble of static and synthesized clicks.

The Explorer glances at it. "Lead the way."

The droids turn, their heavy footsteps clanking against the metallic flooring as they guide the Explorer and Meelo to a stairwell at the edge of the bazaar. They descend, the air growing cooler and more stagnant with each step, until they reach a set of revolving doors. The droids stop, standing sentinel as the doors hiss open, granting the two entry.

Inside, the room is dimly lit, cluttered with machinery, parts, and tools scattered across workbenches. At the center of it all is a four-armed snake-like alien wearing a stained lab coat and a scouter over one eye. He’s hunched over the shattered remains of a security droid, half of its body missing, sparks flying as he works.

Monitors line the wall behind him, displaying feeds from every corner of the underground bazaar. He doesn’t look up as he speaks, his voice smooth and oily.

"Sorry for the trouble. You know how desperate criminals get when they’re on the run," he says, his upper arms still working while his lower arms casually pick up a drink. "Everyone’s after something these days. But what you’re looking for... it isn’t something of value, is it?"

The Explorer steps forward, their tone measured. "Not the kind of value you’re thinking of."

The alien finally turns, a sly grin spreading across his scaled face. Slithering closer, he retrieves a small data chip from the pocket of his lab coat, his movements deliberate. With a flick of one hand, he places it delicately on the table in front of the Explorer.

"Then I suppose you’ll find this very interesting," Bracada says, his voice smooth yet tinged with intrigue.

He picks up the broken device beside him, turning it over in two of his four hands. "The original data chip on this droid was fried," he continues, inspecting the damaged machine, "but thankfully, its backup data transferred just before it was destroyed. This..."—he gestures toward the new chip—"is the last recording from its investigation of the planets you listed. Every one of them was lifeless. Barren."

The Explorer crosses their arms. "Anything unusual?"

"The whole thing is bizarre," Bracada says, slithering toward a monitor. "Take Heatron’s Spice Colony. I’ve been there before—it was thriving. Now? It's a planet-sized asteroid floating aimlessly in space. Whatever happened erased it all. And it cost me a droid to get this." He taps the battered machine at his side.

"Here," the Explorer says, pulling an item wrapped in cloth from their pack and handing it over.

Bracada unwraps it to reveal a small, glowing artifact. His eyes widen slightly. "For me? You didn’t have to. I told you—I only did this because of the favor I owed your father."

"Take it anyway. Call it a thanks."

Bracada nods, setting the artifact aside. "Suit yourself. But before you go, there’s one more thing I noticed." He presses a button, pulling up an image on the monitor.

The screen displays a decayed fruit—shriveled and blackened, yet still clinging to an unnatural shape. Its surface is marked by deep grooves, and faint remnants of spiked stems protrude from its top.

"This was found on one of the planets before the droid was destroyed," Bracada explains. "It was too far gone to extract anything useful, but the droid recorded some trace data. Its structure doesn’t match anything I’ve encountered, but the strangest thing? The remnants indicate it came from an enormous tree—one far larger than any natural flora on the planet."

"A tree?" the Explorer repeats, leaning closer.

Bracada nods. "Whatever it was, it left an imprint deep in the soil. The tree must’ve been ancient, but there’s no evidence of it still existing. The image and scan data are on the chip. That’s all I could salvage."

“Thanks again.”


Back on the ship, the Explorer and Meelo review the data chip, watching footage of desolate planets. The Explorer pauses on an image of the fruit recorded by the droid, zooming in to study its twisted, decayed features.

"What do you think, Meelo?"

Meelo buzzes, skeptical but curious.

"Maybe. We need to figure out what kind of tree could grow something like this—and why the planets all ended up like this after it was gone."

The Explorer sits back, deep in thought. "Whatever it is, it's tied to the disappearance of life on these planets. Let’s head to the next stop and see if we can find more traces of this."

The ship lifts off, leaving Planet Bourbon behind as it ventures into the unknown.


Meanwhile, on another planet, a village teeters on the brink of devastation. Smoke rises from scattered fires, and the once-thriving settlement bears the scars of recent chaos. The villagers huddle together, their eyes filled with uncertainty as four imposing figures stand before them. Around them, defeated raiders lie bound, their weapons shattered and piled nearby.

The figures emerge fully into view, clad in sleek black and grey armor. Their presence exudes a commanding air, their movements sharp and deliberate. At the center is their leader, a towering, battle-hardened warrior with a long ponytail draped over his shoulder and a scar carved across his face. This is Amond.

The elder steps forward, his frail hands clasped in front of him as he bows low. His eyes sweep across the group, noticing a strange feature they all share—long, prehensile tails, each wrapped snugly around their waists. A chill runs through him as he recalls ancient stories of beings like these.

"We are forever in debt to the Frieza Empire for keeping us alive this long," the elder says, his voice heavy with reverence and exhaustion.

Amond raises an eyebrow, his tail flicking slightly behind him as he steps closer. "We don’t work for Frieza," he replies, his tone calm but firm.

The villagers exchange startled glances, fear creeping into their expressions. The elder stammers, unsure of how to respond.

Amond softens his tone, lowering himself slightly to meet the elder’s gaze. "You’re safe now," he reassures them. "There’s no need to cower. We’re not here to take your lives—or your loyalty."

Relief washes over the villagers, their fear melting into gratitude. The raiders who once terrorized them remain bound, trembling as the Crusher Corps stands vigilant nearby.

The elder hesitates. "How can we possibly repay you for saving our home?"

Amond pulls a small, glowing seed from his belt and holds it up. "If you insist," he says, "take this. It’s a seed that will help your planet flourish again. Plant it, nurture it, and its harvest will bring prosperity. In return, we’ll establish a trade route. Your resources will benefit others, and you’ll have our protection."

He places the seed into the elder’s trembling hands before turning away. Behind him, his team watches, each member distinct in demeanor.

On a nearby pile of rubble sit Raisin and Lakasei, identical twins sharing one of the planet’s delicacies and laughing quietly to themselves. Their mischievous energy contrasts starkly with the silent figure of Cacao, who is busy organizing supplies and making preparations for departure.

Daiz, sporting dark teal hair and a punk-rock flair, adjusts his earrings as he glances at Amond. "Sounds like another win for the Crusher Corps," Daiz remarks casually.

"And another opportunity," Amond replies. "We’ve learned more about this ‘Frieza Empire.’ If this Frieza is really trying to rise, our king needs to know. We don’t bow to anyone."

Daiz smirks, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Before we leave, I’ve got one last thing to do."

Amond sighs. "You’re doing it again."

"Every planet, Daiz," Raisin mutters, rolling his eyes.

Lakasei shakes his head, biting into a piece of fruit. "Just let him. It keeps him entertained."

Daiz ignores their comments, hovering toward a large rock near the edge of the village. With a flick of his wrist, neon-colored energy begins to gather in his hands, emitting a radiant, otherworldly glow. With precise movements, Daiz uses the energy like a brush, painting a vibrant symbol onto the surface of the rock. The villagers watch in awe as the swirling design of a tree comes to life, glowing brightly before settling into a faint shimmer.

"There," Daiz says, admiring his work. "Now they’ll never forget who saved them."

As he lands back with the group, the villagers gather around the elder, who clutches the glowing seed to his chest. The villagers whisper amongst themselves, filled with awe and hope, while the bound raiders are dragged away by members of the Crusher Corps to face imprisonment.

Amond looks over his team. "We’re done here. Let’s head back. The king will want to hear about this."

Without further delay, the Crusher Corps boards their ship. As it lifts off, the villagers watch the glowing symbol etched into the rock, a mark of both protection and power, and hold tightly to the gift left behind—a seed that promises a brighter future.


Writer's Note:

Well we are back with the Explorer. I will say right now they are a mystery, but they will be revealed in a later chapter who they are. It won't be anyone you'd expect, but they are integral to the story as it plays out in later chapters.

Welcome back Crusher Corps! They're not exactly the same members “to the T” as the movie because I changed all their species to being saiyan, but majority of their armor, characteristics, and origins will honor the originals. It's for a specific story element that plays later on. The mystery is unfolding so stay tuned....

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Part 1: Resurgence Bijou-Bot Entertainment Part 1: Resurgence Bijou-Bot Entertainment


It all begins with an idea.

On Beerus's Planet, tranquility blankets the vibrant landscape, the air serene and still. But in an instant, the calm is shattered by a series of thunderous explosions, one after the other.

Whis gracefully sidesteps an oncoming attack, his movements fluid and effortless. The air ripples as his staff strikes the water, sending droplets spraying upward in an elegant arc, creating a shimmering barrier between him and his unseen opponent. He smiles faintly, his expression calm.

"I'm impressed by how far you've come, Goku," Whis says.

Hovering above the water a short distance away, Goku floats in his Ultra Instinct form. His silver hair glows faintly, and his aura ripples around him like liquid fire, emitting glimmering particles into the air. His eyes are sharp, his face calm and unwavering, his body poised for the next attack.

Whis, however, stands unbothered, his stance light and ready for anything. "Harnessing Ultra Instinct is no simple feat. It demands that both body and mind exist as one—constantly in unison. For us Angels, this state is natural, an inherent skill we are always in," he says. His voice carries both pride and a subtle challenge. "It is not a transformation to be 'called upon' like your Super Saiyan forms."

Goku tilts his head, his expression thoughtful. "To become one naturally?"

"Precisely," Whis replies with a knowing smile.

He moves his staff aside, gently planting it into the ground before taking a sparring stance. His hands move delicately, inviting Goku to strike. Goku narrows his eyes, analyzing his options before surging forward. He unleashes a barrage of punches, but Whis dances through them with almost insulting ease, his movements light and untouched by the force Goku exerts.

"You're overthinking," Whis comments mid-dodge. "Your body and mind are still not in perfect sync. At this rate, you're only scratching the lower stages of Ultra Instinct."

"Lower stages?!" Goku shouts, lunging again, his attacks faster this time. "How many stages are there until I reach your level?"

Before Whis answers, he sidesteps, halting Goku's momentum with a single palm to his chest. With no visible effort, Whis deflects him backward, sending Goku skidding across the water's surface.

Goku catches himself, his expression a mix of frustration and awe. Whis remains composed, his serene smile unwavering. 

"I am much farther ahead than where you stand now, Goku. Even with all the progress you've made, you're still far from perceiving my full strength."

Goku steadies his breathing, preparing to attack again, when a deafening explosion rocks the area. He turns his head, distracted, and sees Vegeta hurtling through the air, colliding into the ground with an impact that shakes the forest.

Behind him, Beerus charges at breakneck speed, his eyes sharp with predatory focus. Goku pauses, watching the chaos unfold.

"I suppose we’ll call it for now," Whis says casually, lowering his stance and turning his gaze toward the God of Destruction and the Saiyan prince.

Vegeta scrambles to his feet, blood trickling from his lip. Beerus closes the distance before Vegeta can react, landing a relentless flurry of punches. Each strike forces Vegeta backward, his attempts to defend barely holding up against Beerus's overwhelming power.

"What's wrong, Vegeta?" Beerus taunts, his tone mocking but sharp. "Is it all catching up to you? I warned you—controlling this kind of power requires more than brute force! Let go of all mortal attachments… including your emotions!"

With a devastating uppercut, Beerus sends Vegeta flying through the dense forest. Trees crack and splinter under the force as Vegeta crashes through them, finally landing in a heap. He groans, trying to catch his breath, but the respite is brief—Beerus closes in faster than he can think.

Desperate, Vegeta unleashes a relentless barrage of ki blasts. The energy rains down on Beerus, detonating in a symphony of brilliant flashes. But as the smoke clears, the God of Destruction strides forward, untouched, swatting the attacks away as if they were nothing more than bothersome gnats.

“Inadequate,” Beerus growls, his voice laced with both boredom and disappointment. Purple energy crackles ominously around his clawed hand, a destructive force ready to be unleashed. “Try again.”

Vegeta wipes blood from his lip, his body battered but his pride unyielding. He plants his feet firmly on the ground, his gaze never leaving Beerus.

"I’ve broken my limits before, and I’ll do it again!" he roars, charging forward, his aura flaring.

Before he can land a blow, Beerus moves faster than the eye can track. His fist sinks into Vegeta’s stomach with devastating precision, sending shockwaves rippling across the battlefield. Vegeta’s breath is ripped from his lungs, but he refuses to fall. Gritting his teeth, he grabs Beerus’s arm and retaliates with a fierce punch to the god’s face.

Beerus barely flinches. With a casual flick of his wrist, he sends Vegeta crashing into the dirt. The Saiyan prince groans, coughing as he struggles to rise, the weight of his frustration and failure pressing down on him.

"You’re persistent, I’ll give you that," Beerus says, his tone softening, though his eyes remain stern. "But unlike Goku, who achieves power through a calm, focused mind, the strength you seek lies in destruction. And destruction demands sacrifice—everything that holds you back."

Vegeta grits his teeth, his voice low and conflicted. "But...how can I let go?"

Beerus halts his advance, towering over Vegeta with the presence of a master addressing a wayward student. His voice is steady but carries a cutting edge.
"By first understanding this: you are not Goku."

The words hit Vegeta harder than any punch. His transformation falters, and his golden glow fades. Black hair falls back into place as he looks down, grappling with the truth of Beerus’s statement.

"Goku’s path and yours are fundamentally different," Beerus continues, stepping closer. "It’s in your nature to oppose each other, and yet, your rivalry strengthens you both."

Vegeta looks up, his pride tempered by introspection. "Then what does that make me?"

"A warrior who walks the path of destruction," Beerus says, smirking faintly. "But unless you embrace this truth, you will always trail behind him. It’s time you stopped looking back."

Vegeta closes his eyes, the weight of Beerus’s words sinking in. Memories of his failures—his defeats, his struggles, his obsession with surpassing Goku—flood his mind. He breathes deeply, and slowly, he lets it all go.

"You’ve fallen time and time again," Beerus says. "And yet, you rise. That is your strength. But clinging to that cycle—falling and rising endlessly—will only keep you shackled. Destroy that weakness. Let it go. Only then will you see your true potential."

Vegeta’s breathing steadies, his focus sharpening. His aura flares to life—a fiery, violent purple that burns with raw destructive energy. The ground quakes as his resolve solidifies. Slowly, Vegeta begins to laugh, not with arrogance, but with newfound clarity.

The transformation begins. His hair shifts to a vivid purple, his eyebrows disappearing as his primal energy surges. The aura surrounding him crackles and roars like a storm, untamed and formidable.

From a distance, Goku and Whis observe in awe. Whis smiles knowingly.
"Ultra Ego," he says softly.

Beerus steps back, his expression shifting to rare approval. "You’ve finally merged destructive energy with your own. Few mortals could withstand such power. Impressive."

Vegeta clenches his fists, marveling at the overwhelming strength coursing through his body. He glances at Beerus, waiting for the god’s next move.

But Beerus turns and begins to walk away. "This lesson is over," he calls over his shoulder. Then he pauses, looking back with a sharp gaze.

"Remember: control it. Don’t make me regret bringing you this far. If you truly embrace destruction, you might surpass Goku. But if you stumble again, it will be your last."

Vegeta nods, his determination blazing as fiercely as his aura. He turns his gaze to Goku, who has been watching with an intrigued smirk. The two exchange a glance, their unspoken rivalry as alive as ever.


Later, by the lake, the two Saiyans rest. Vegeta meditates, his body still surrounded by the faint embers of his transformation, while Goku devours a feast.

"Say, Vegeta," Goku mumbles through a mouthful of food. "You sure meditating’s gonna make you stronger? You’re missing out on all this food!"

Vegeta cracks one eye open, glaring. "I’ll eat later. Strength isn’t just about the body, Kakarot. The mind must be trained as well. You’d do well to remember that."

Goku chuckles, slurping noodles loudly. "Guess so. Makes me think of how tough it was fighting Cooler. Took all of us to take him down."

Vegeta nods. "Exactly. Cooler’s strength wasn’t just raw power. His body and mind were completely in sync. If Frieza ever achieved the same..."

"That’d be bad," Goku admits with a frown. "Especially with that new form of his too."

Whis strolls over, overhearing the conversation. "Precisely, Goku. This is the lesson for today: No matter how strong you become, strength without focus is meaningless. Cooler was proof of that."

"Yeah, yeah," Goku mutters, scratching his head.

Whis chuckles and hands Vegeta a bowl of ramen. "Still, warriors need to nourish themselves. Strength comes from balance—body and soul."

Vegeta reluctantly accepts, eating as Goku grins smugly. The three sit in silence, watching the serene lake.

"Oh, how’s Tarble doing?" Goku asks suddenly.

Vegeta glances up. "He’s fine. He’s a father now."

Goku’s eyes widen. "No way! That’s awesome! Look at you, Uncle Vegeta."

Vegeta scowls. "It’s still Prince Vegeta to you."

"The Prince of Nothing," Beerus quips.

Goku and Vegeta turn to see Beerus lounging in his hammock, surrounded by an empty pile of ramen bowls. Though he appears to be napping, his ears twitch, betraying that he’s been listening to their conversation. He sits up slightly, glaring at Vegeta with narrowed eyes.

"Vegeta," Beerus begins, his tone calm but cutting, "the so-called prince of a race teetering on extinction. I admit, I bear some responsibility for the destruction of your homeworld—after all, it was I who permitted Frieza to destroy it. And yet, here you are, still clinging to the title of 'Prince of All Saiyans.' But tell me..."

Beerus leans forward, his piercing gaze unwavering. "Besides the Saiyans of Universe 6, your brother Tarble, and Broly, have you ever encountered another Saiyan who isn’t tied to your bloodline? One who survived Planet Vegeta's destruction?"

Goku and Vegeta exchange uneasy glances, both struggling to find an answer. For all the battles they’ve fought and the countless worlds they’ve visited, the only surviving Saiyans they’ve met were part of their fragmented family line.

"Tell me, Vegeta," Beerus continues, his voice growing sharper, "have you ever heard of a thriving Saiyan race on another planet? One that acknowledges you as their ruler? Or have you already accepted that your title is as dead as your homeworld?"

Vegeta’s fists tighten, but he says nothing. Without a word, he launches into the air and flies away, his silence heavy with unspoken turmoil.

"Don’t you think that was a bit harsh, Lord Beerus?" Goku asks, his voice unusually serious.

Beerus reclines back into his hammock, his expression unreadable. "Perhaps. But if Vegeta wants to fully harness the power of destruction, he must sever the chains of his past. And that includes letting go of the ghosts he clings to."


Writer's Note: 

Okay well that was an interesting start. I wanted this story to start out as if time passed slightly since Cooler's Wrath. There are a lot of parallels with DBS: Superhero where they train on Beerus planet and much like in the manga, after the Moro arc, when I had this part of the story in my head since trying to piece the story together. Luckily with time flying by and introduction of Ultra Ego and such, it kinda helped me have a sense of ground to try and interweave this story to the main timeline. 

I've already acknowledged Cooler's Wrath and this story to be what I call "canon adjacent" where elements of the known canon are used to help give you all a sense of where this story could take place and the power levels they're all at. At first, the events of Granolah arc basically never truly happened here because at the time I was developing this whole story, that didn't even start yet, but surprisingly given some time, and not been focused on writing The Might of King Turles yet, some elements of that story kinda was similar in ways that I included just small acknowledging details. I wanted to honor some elements and interweave them in such as Vegeta harnessing Ultra Ego and “lightly recalling events” of that arc alongside Superhero so this story is set after everything but Cooler’s Wrath happened after Moro but before Granolah. I will say off the bat too that this will be a Vegeta centered story. Dragon Ball has always been Goku's journey overall with amazing characters that get time to shine when they do, but for this and much like Cooler's Wrath I'm giving the prince a little more spotlight time. From learning to hone Ultra Ego to acknowledging the status of his saiyan pride, that's going to be the starting point of his journey.

I found his pride in being the Prince of All Saiyans and yet there's supposedly none left a very compelling arc to ground him and flesh out cause if we don't count any of the non canon movies, exclude Universe 6 or even Broly and Paragus, not once in the main canon had the characters encountered another saiyan after the Saiyan arc in the early Z days (correct me if I'm wrong there, but in this adjacent canon that will be the case lol)...now that's about to change. Universe 7 is about to see a resurgence and it's going to get interesting.

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Part 1: Resurgence Bijou-Bot Entertainment Part 1: Resurgence Bijou-Bot Entertainment


It all begins with an idea.

A barren wasteland stretches endlessly, with dust swept up in swirling gusts. A storm brews in the sky, rumbling with thunder and cracking with flashes of lightning. Rain falls sporadically, drenching the lifeless landscape. The surface is strewn with crumbled debris of what were once towering structures.

A faint ray of light pierces through the dark clouds, casting an eerie glow on the ruins below—a settlement long since abandoned and decayed. Hovering down from above, a sleek spacecraft breaks the silence, descending slowly into the heart of the ruins.

With a soft hiss, the ramp lowers. A space explorer, clad in a high-tech suit, steps cautiously onto the planet's surface. The light from their helmet flickers on, sweeping over the desolate surroundings. They activate their helmet's scouter, scanning the area.

"Nothing. Everything is dead," the Explorer mutters, glancing back toward the ship. "It’s safe. You can come down."

From the ramp, a small orb-like droid levitates into view. This is Meelo—a curious fusion of organic and mechanical components. Its smooth, spherical body glows faintly, and its single optic eye swivels as it examines the environment.

Meelo emits a series of beeps, trills, and modulated hums that convey a mix of inquiry and unease.

"Meelo," the Explorer responds, shaking their head, "I highly doubt anyone could've survived this."

The droid lets out a low, drawn-out whir, followed by a rapid sequence of chirps. It hovers closer to the Explorer, scanning the air for anything unusual.

The Explorer presses forward, trudging through the dust and rubble, shielding their visor from the relentless wind. The storm is worsening, making visibility even harder. Massive roots twist and tangle through the ruins, cracking through walls and foundations.

Meelo hovers upward, scanning a wider range. Its mechanical eye flashes, and it emits a sharp ping.

"Anything?" the Explorer asks.

Meelo responds with a warbling series of tones, its meaning clear: nothing alive. The Explorer exhales sharply. "This planet is completely dead," they say grimly. "Whatever happened here… it was absolute."

A sudden clatter echoes nearby. The Explorer freezes, light darting to the source of the sound. Among a pile of debris, they see it—a skeletal hand jutting out from the rubble. Rushing forward, they begin clearing the debris, revealing the remains of a soldier. Their uniform is tattered, their body drained to the bone.

The Explorer steps back in horror, their light now sweeping over the ruins to reveal more bodies. Dozens, maybe hundreds, lie tangled in the massive roots or crushed beneath fallen structures. The sight is chilling—desperation and terror etched into the final moments of these people.

"It’s like they didn’t even have time to run," the Explorer whispers. "Something—something huge did this."

Meelo emits a low, nervous hum, its optic flickering as it scans the area again.

"Come on," the Explorer says abruptly, retreating to the ship with Meelo close behind.

Once aboard, they ascend into the stormy skies. Hovering above the ruins, the Explorer surveys the scene. The ship’s lights illuminate the devastation, revealing a haunting truth: the corpses, the mangled structures, the massive roots snaking through the land—it all centers around something massive and unnatural.

"Meelo," the Explorer says, their voice tight, "look closer."

Adjusting the ship’s position, they uncover it. Towering above the destruction is a massive tree, its gnarled branches piercing through the ruins. Once vibrant, its bark now crumbles, and its leaves blacken and fall. The tree, like the planet, is dying.

"What could’ve done this?" the Explorer murmurs, staring at the ominous tree as it looms over the desolation. Meelo emits an uncertain series of tones, its eye flickering nervously.

As the Explorer pulls the ship back to get a broader view, something else becomes clear. In the middle of the carnage, embedded into the cracked earth, is a massive footprint.

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